The Art of XEKO
Hairy Dwarf Lemur Animation
Produced and Designed by Michel Gagné
Animated by Mike Hogue

(Copyright ©2006 Matter Group)

Click Here to Download Quicktime Movie (6mb)
Make sure to set your Quicktime player on "loop".

For a big chunk of 2005, I was involved in designing a trading card game called XEKO. I created the majority of the card illustrations, as well as designing several of the games components (icons, borders, box and packaging elements, etc...).

In March 2006, I was asked if I could create a 7-second animation loop (featuring one of the Xeko character I designed) for the score board at the March 19th, NBA's The Cavalier vs The Lakers game. The idea was to promote the XEKO game as well as getting the crowd pumped up as the little character bops up and down during breaks and commercials. I took on the task and immediately contacted Flash animator Mike Hogue (Insanely Twisted Shadow Puppets) to help me create the piece.

The clip is silent so different music can be played over it (that's the way they wanted it).