Resources Links

Blambot - The best source of comic fonts. Many are free or low priced.

Digital Prepress for Comic Books - I have received a lot of emails from people wanting to publish their own comic books. One of the recurring question is: what do I send the printer? Well, I found a book which outline the process quite well. The writing could be a little clearer but it will definitely answer a lot of questions. If you're serious about self-publishing comics, this is a good tool to have. - If you're looking for an unusual font for your books, comics or website, don't look any further.

Friesens - A top quality printer located in Manitoba, Canada. They've printed many of our books.

Interpress - Our Hong Kong Printer. Great quality and good prices. Please let them know I sent you so I can get my referral credit :)

Quebecor - The largest commercial print media services company in the world. They print about 90% of all american comicbooks. We printed a couple of issues of ZED with them. Their prices are very reasonable.

The Self Publishing Manual - If you are interested in self-publishing, this is the book to get. It was my personal guide when I started Gagné International Press in 1998. All the information you need is in there.