August 30, 2003

Demon Dog Rabbit Reviewed on Micheal's Review of the Week

August 25, 2003

2nd Rabbit Sculpture Update

We were extremely encouraged by the reactions to the first Insanely Twisted Rabbit sculpture / collectible from Sideshow. It was a huge hit and an instant sell out. And now, we're excited about expending the line.
Here's a little sneak peek at the second piece in the collection. It's still a work in progress (we are currently ironing all the bugs) but I was so excited about it that I just had to share it with you. I will post an updated image as soon as it becomes available.

Eventually, I'd love to branch out to include 3D renditions from my other books such as A Search for Meaning and Frenzied Fauna. If there's a particular character you would like to see us bring to 3D, please let us know. We're very open to suggestions.