The Iron Giant FX Animation

The Dome of Doom

One of the sequences I was responsible for creating the effects for, was the part where the giant generates an orb from his chest and lunches it over the ocean. My assistant (Matt Manners) and I nicknamed the sequence "The Dome of Doom". Click here to see movie (2mb).

Read about the making of the "Dome of Doom" effects below.

The Lake Tidal Wave

The first sequence I was given to animate on The Iron Giant was "The Lake Tidal Wave". I was never very keen on animating water and looked at the task as a bit of a burden. Nevertheless, I saw it as a challenge and began working hard.
Click here to see clip (5.7mb).

Read about the making of the "Lake Tidal Wave" effects below.

More of my FX Designs for The Iron Giant (click for larger view)